Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 72 amplifier models, 194 effects, 37 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

Line 6 Ventoux (Line 6 Original)

Line 6 Ventoux, the Helix model of a Line 6 Original

Sound sample created with default amp and cab settings. Some Dynamic Room reverb added for ambiance. The guitar is an American Telecaster.

This amp model was released with the Helix 3.15 update in early 2022.

From Ben Adrian at Line 6:

"This model comes from a physical amp idea I had a while back. I was going to build it as a tube amp first. There are only so many hours in a day, though. The idea was to create a “coveted boutique amp” that had a different origin story. Most coveted boutique amps come from modified black panel fenders or modified marshall circuits. I wanted to do the same thing, but base it on the early 70s Orange circuits and the mid-wattage Fender Tweed circuits.

This amp model has a unique topology.

  • Resonance and Presence – You may have noticed this amp was lacking regular bass and treble controls. That is accounted for with Resonance and Presence controls; bass and treble for the power amp. These actually occur in the circuit just before phase inverter, but they really need the whole power amp to function. They also affect the character of the power amp distortion.

In an indirect way, every knob is kind of a gain/drive control. The tone controls adjust the character and/or amount of the overdrive in those frequencies. This might be seen as complicated by some, but I find it exciting and full of possibilities."

  • HP Filter — Higher values result in tighter distortions and thinner cleans; lower values result in looser distortions and warmer cleans
  • Mid — Allows for more of a character than most. At lower values it's like the scooped sounds of traditional 60s Fender amps; at higher values it's flatter, like the 50s tweed amps that have very little tone-shaping in the circuits. Plus, a full-up mid sound will get a nice crunch when Drive is up
  • Ch Vol — Sets the overall level of the block
  • Master —This model's Master volume exists in an "impossible" place for a physical amp. Generally, you'll want to leave this at 10.0, like a vintage amp with no master volume. However, a variety of textures can be had by reducing the level
  • Bias X — Bias Excursion, or XXXXX

Description source: Line 6
Image source: Line 6

Ventoux Heights

Get a nice taste of the newest HX amp model with this mid-gain tone. Perfect for your tele or strat.

  • 👇 Downloads: 295
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 3
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

  • 👇 Downloads: 22
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Jofjdn
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member 👇 Downloads 🤘 Upvotes
Ventoux Heights Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Get a nice taste of the newest HX amp model with this mid-gain tone. Perfect for your tele or strat. Jorge 295 3
Talisman Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) d Jofjdn 22 0

jorge - Feb. 8, 2022

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