Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 72 amplifier models, 194 effects, 37 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

Tilt EQ (Line 6 Original)

Tilt EQ, the Helix model of a Line 6 Original

Tilt is a subtle 6dB EQ that boosts high frequencies while simultaneously attenuating low frequencies (or vice versa). Great for quickly making tones a bit brighter or darker. The Center Freq parameter sets the frequency around which the boost and cut pivot.

Description source: Line 6

Slayer - Angel of Death

You know what this is. I used the Badonk amp model to give the sound the necessary mids and chunk.

  • 👇 Downloads: 876
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 9
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Guitar and Mic

This is a cool patch for singers/songwriters. 1. Plug your guitar into the regular L/Mono input2. Plug your mic into the L/Mono Aux-in input (on the right hand side of the HX Stomp) - this adapter will allow you to easily hook a standard XLR mic to the HX Stomp or Helix.There you go - adjust the amp to taste.

  • 👇 Downloads: 385
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 6
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Appetite 1/2 Step

This patch solves my biggest headache as a guitar player - playing along to GNR's Appetite for Destruction with standard tuning. Uses the new Poly Capo model to virtually tune you down 1/2 a step. Genius!If you own some good IR's (and you should) - substitute the cab choice. You'll get even closer to the album tone.

  • 👇 Downloads: 815
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 5
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Twin Diana

Lovely clean Twin and Dhyana for some (or more) overdrive. Also trem and delay in front, and some boosts after the amp.

  • 👇 Downloads: 150
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Maxdb
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Legacy Llama

Legendary Drive and The Alpaca Rouge into a HiWatt in stereo. Fat, loose OD sounds without getting flubby. Works well with humbuckers. You may have to boost the drive settings if using single coils.

  • 👇 Downloads: 172
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Rocco Crocco
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Ballistic Fuzz

Hold the notes and hear this fuzz give a cool vocal quality to your guitar.

  • 👇 Downloads: 85
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Blur - Coffee And TV

This Helix patch is designed to recreate guitar tones from Blur's "Coffee & TV." It captures the jangly neck PU, wild Fuzz solo feedback with random Vibrato and tremolo galore of the original track while offering versatility for live performance or studio recording. Also check my YT Video link below for sound sample. Cheers...

  • 👇 Downloads: 18
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Helixman
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member 👇 Downloads 🤘 Upvotes
Slayer - Angel of Death
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) You know what this is. I used the Badonk amp model to give the sound the necessary mids and chunk. Jorge 876 9
Guitar and Mic
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is a cool patch for singers/songwriters. 1. Plug your guitar into the regular L/Mono input2. Plug your mic into the L/Mono Aux-in input (on the right hand side of the HX Stomp) - this adapter will allow you to easily hook a standard XLR mic to the HX Stomp or Helix.There you go - adjust the am… Jorge 385 6
Appetite 1/2 Step
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This patch solves my biggest headache as a guitar player - playing along to GNR's Appetite for Destruction with standard tuning. Uses the new Poly Capo model to virtually tune you down 1/2 a step. Genius!If you own some good IR's (and you should) - substitute the cab choice. You'll get even closer … Jorge 815 5
Twin Diana Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Lovely clean Twin and Dhyana for some (or more) overdrive. Also trem and delay in front, and some boosts after the amp. Maxdb 150 2
Legacy Llama Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Legendary Drive and The Alpaca Rouge into a HiWatt in stereo. Fat, loose OD sounds without getting flubby. Works well with humbuckers. You may have to boost the drive settings if using single coils. Rocco Crocco 172 2
Ballistic Fuzz Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Hold the notes and hear this fuzz give a cool vocal quality to your guitar. Jorge 85 0
Blur - Coffee And TV
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This Helix patch is designed to recreate guitar tones from Blur's "Coffee & TV." It captures the jangly neck PU, wild Fuzz solo feedback with random Vibrato and tremolo galore of the original track while offering versatility for live performance or studio recording. Also check my YT Video link … Helixman 18 0

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