Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 72 amplifier models, 194 effects, 37 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

Jazz Rivet 120 (Roland® JC-120 Jazz Chorus)

Jazz Rivet 120, the Helix model of a Roland® JC-120 Jazz Chorus

Recorded using a Jackson Soloist with a Seymour Duncan JB in the bridge position. Default amp and cab settings, spring reverb added.

First introduced way back in 1975, the JC-120 Jazz Chorus is one of the few guitar amps that can truly be called a legend. Roland’s long-standing flagship is universally recognized by pros as the benchmark in clean guitar sound, and its rich tone and famous built-in stereo chorus effect have been heard on countless popular songs over its long history. Now celebrating 40 years of continuous production and counting, the JC-120 remains the undisputed “king of clean,” and the enduring choice of serious guitarists everywhere.

Description source: Roland Amps

Adair Acoustic simulator

This preset is to use a custom impulse response made by me using Bluecat Audio Re-Guitar.  Amp settings are the stock, reverb was tweaked a little bit. You can download here: should place an impulse response block first in the chain!

  • 👇 Downloads: 821
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 8
  • Member: Adairo16
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Supro JC120 Dual

Dual Amp Patch with Supro (L) and JC120 (R). Dual Delay to add some width and double-take Verb. Analog chorus and Minotaur disabled by defaultSnap 1: CleanSnap 2:With Chorus engagedSnap 3:No Chorus but Minotaur engaged

  • 👇 Downloads: 710
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 7
  • Member: Mathieucote
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Metallica Clean

Classic Metallica Clean Tone for Pod Go!! If you enjoy my free tones check out my premium tones for Helix, HX Stomp, and Pod Go on the Line 6 Marketplace.Shamelessly borrowed from to have a few patches available for Pod Go launch.

  • 👇 Downloads: 874
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 3
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Jif Pedal Steel

This is a preset for Pedal Steel Guitar I created copying settings from a previous patch I put together using other hardware before purchasing a HX Stomp XL. I previously used 6 EQ channels on a 12 channel parametric EQ, in the HX patch I replicated the settings using 2 parametric blocks. The path in the HX is - Parametric - Parametric - Optical Trem - Jazz Rivet 120 - Celestion Vintage 30 IR - Multihead Delay - Ganymede Reverb. The Celestion Vintage 30 IR is a free download taster from Celestion and is available here - I initially created this preset using a Strymon Bluesky Reverb, set up with a room reverb with modulation and connected into the Stomp using a FX send/return block, I have duplicated this as far as possible using the Ganymede Reverb in the HX, it sounds a bit different to the BlueSky, but it has it's own magic. I'll use this mainly in Ambient style recordings but it works well with other styles.

  • 👇 Downloads: 92
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 1
  • Member: Jiffie
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

A Perfect Circle

Generic patch for A Perfect Circle old albums

  • 👇 Downloads: 128
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Paolo1970
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Boys dont cry H

Song: Boys don't cryArtist: The CureTwo snapshots: 1. Clean. 2. Lead (for the melody). 3. and 4. Not used. I used the jazz chorus 120 and one ownhammer IR OH 112 DLXVRB C12R OH2-M+. If you can't get the ownhammer IR, the patch still working with the 2x12 Jazz Rivet cabinet included in the POD Go. Let me know if useful thru the rating section. Hernan

  • 👇 Downloads: 276
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Hernan93
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Space Rock

This patch was inspired by a Boss 50th Anniversary pamphlet with some suggested settings for the RE-202 Space Echo pedal.

  • 👇 Downloads: 32
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member 👇 Downloads 🤘 Upvotes
Adair Acoustic simulator Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This preset is to use a custom impulse response made by me using Bluecat Audio Re-Guitar.  Amp settings are the stock, reverb was tweaked a little bit. You can download here: should place an impulse response block first in the chain! Adairo16 821 8
Supro JC120 Dual Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Dual Amp Patch with Supro (L) and JC120 (R). Dual Delay to add some width and double-take Verb. Analog chorus and Minotaur disabled by defaultSnap 1: CleanSnap 2:With Chorus engagedSnap 3:No Chorus but Minotaur engaged Mathieucote 710 7
Metallica Clean Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Classic Metallica Clean Tone for Pod Go!! If you enjoy my free tones check out my premium tones for Helix, HX Stomp, and Pod Go on the Line 6 Marketplace.Shamelessly borrowed from to have a few patches available for Pod Go launch. Jorge 874 3
Jif Pedal Steel Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is a preset for Pedal Steel Guitar I created copying settings from a previous patch I put together using other hardware before purchasing a HX Stomp XL. I previously used 6 EQ channels on a 12 channel parametric EQ, in the HX patch I replicated the settings using 2 parametric blocks. The path … Jiffie 92 1
A Perfect Circle Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Generic patch for A Perfect Circle old albums Paolo1970 128 0
Boys dont cry H Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Song: Boys don't cryArtist: The CureTwo snapshots: 1. Clean. 2. Lead (for the melody). 3. and 4. Not used. I used the jazz chorus 120 and one ownhammer IR OH 112 DLXVRB C12R OH2-M+. If you can't get the ownhammer IR, the patch still working with the 2x12 Jazz Rivet cabinet included in the POD Go. L… Hernan93 276 0
Space Rock Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This patch was inspired by a Boss 50th Anniversary pamphlet with some suggested settings for the RE-202 Space Echo pedal. Jorge 32 0

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