Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 72 amplifier models, 194 effects, 37 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

Poly Capo (Line 6® Original)

Poly Capo, the Helix model of a Line 6® Original

Place a virtual capo on your guitar. How cool is that?

Appetite 1/2 Step

This patch solves my biggest headache as a guitar player - playing along to GNR's Appetite for Destruction with standard tuning. Uses the new Poly Capo model to virtually tune you down 1/2 a step. Genius!If you own some good IR's (and you should) - substitute the cab choice. You'll get even closer to the album tone.

  • 👇 Downloads: 815
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 5
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY OFF Can your computer handle it???? You might want to increase your buffer size!!A monstrous preset built with Helix Native with Hardware Compatibility turned off. Both paths have a hard gate and poly capo in front, with stereo imagers at the end, and some Simple Delay for a double-tracked feel. Path A has a Tube Screamer driving the Benizen Mega and Badonk amps, with the Field Coil and Blue Bell stock cabs respectively. Path B has the Bighorn Fuzz into the Grammatico with matching cab parallel to the US Princess with its 12" matching cab.

  • 👇 Downloads: 161
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Alex Kenivel
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Benizen Lead

TURN OFF HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY BEFORE IMPORTINGMade on 3.0 during beta testing.Poly Capo (stock settings, interval at -2), Horizon Drive (low gain, high level), Das Benizen Lead amp model, Greenback 25/XXL V30 cabs panned left, Field Coil/Lead 80 cabs panned right, Stereo Imager.

  • 👇 Downloads: 132
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 1
  • Member: Alex Kenivel
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member 👇 Downloads 🤘 Upvotes
Appetite 1/2 Step
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This patch solves my biggest headache as a guitar player - playing along to GNR's Appetite for Destruction with standard tuning. Uses the new Poly Capo model to virtually tune you down 1/2 a step. Genius!If you own some good IR's (and you should) - substitute the cab choice. You'll get even closer … Jorge 815 5
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY OFF Can your computer handle it???? You might want to increase your buffer size!!A monstrous preset built with Helix Native with Hardware Compatibility turned off. Both paths have a hard gate and poly capo in front, with stereo imagers at the end, and some Simple Delay… Alex Kenivel 161 2
Benizen Lead
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) TURN OFF HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY BEFORE IMPORTINGMade on 3.0 during beta testing.Poly Capo (stock settings, interval at -2), Horizon Drive (low gain, high level), Das Benizen Lead amp model, Greenback 25/XXL V30 cabs panned left, Field Coil/Lead 80 cabs panned right, Stereo Imager. Alex Kenivel 132 1

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