Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 72 amplifier models, 194 effects, 37 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

4x12 WhoWatt 100 (4x12" Hiwatt® AP Fane®)

4x12 WhoWatt 100, the Helix model of a 4x12" Hiwatt® AP Fane®

This model represents a vintage HiWatt cabinet with original Fane speakers.

Image source:

Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb

This is a slightly altered version of josepqr's patch on Custom Tone.To get the Gilmour tone, you need a single coil pickup, preferably a Strat.The patch has 3 snapshots, so make sure you cycle through them to get the range of tones in the preset.

  • 👇 Downloads: 2801
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 26
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Vicky Blues

This is a Pod Go patch that is based off a popular blues patch I have for the Helix. It's great for high-flying electric blues.

  • 👇 Downloads: 988
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 15
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

EVH Pod Go

This Eddie Van Halen Patch uses his older rig style, the Marshall era.

  • 👇 Downloads: 1132
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 11
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Guitar and Mic

This is a cool patch for singers/songwriters. 1. Plug your guitar into the regular L/Mono input2. Plug your mic into the L/Mono Aux-in input (on the right hand side of the HX Stomp) - this adapter will allow you to easily hook a standard XLR mic to the HX Stomp or Helix.There you go - adjust the amp to taste.

  • 👇 Downloads: 385
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 6
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower Solo

Killer patch by Chad Garber. Beautiful Hendrix tones using the Hiwatt amp model.

  • 👇 Downloads: 994
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 5
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Tele Boogie

I really like the Mesa Lone Star amps, but I didn't really care for the stock Helix patches featuring the amp. This tone has 3 snapshots, clean, overdriven and dirty. I used my trusty Telecaster to create the patch and Soundcloud sample below.I'm re-discovering the Double Take model on Helix, which is great for headphones, it gives the sound better space and ambience. If you're going to an amp or recording, you may want to turn this effect off.The input gate is set high because my Tele is a bit noisy. If you have humbuckers or noiseless pickups, set it to taste.

  • 👇 Downloads: 913
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 4
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

El Hefe - NOFX

I tried to capture the tone from the classic Punk in Drublic album.El Hefe is always pictured with his trusty Telecaster, but I read in an interview that he likes to record with a Les Paul, so that's what I used when creating the patch. Also, Hefe is a Mesa Mark amp user, but I thought the Revv amp sounds really good here.Why is the cab on a footswitch? Because I also play through a powercab, and this makes it easy to set it up.

  • 👇 Downloads: 384
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 4
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Jason Sadites DOOM

An amp and cab setup based on the Line 6 Doom as featured in Jason Sadites' Youtube channel.

  • 👇 Downloads: 267
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Danemiles
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Satisfaction Fuzz

The iconic fuzz tone from Keith Richards is here. Great Rolling Stones tone.

  • 👇 Downloads: 189
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 1
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Mars Hall

JCM 800 Marshall Tone. A little extra crunch available using the OCD pedal.

  • 👇 Downloads: 624
  • 🤘 Upvotes: 0
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member 👇 Downloads 🤘 Upvotes
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is a slightly altered version of josepqr's patch on Custom Tone.To get the Gilmour tone, you need a single coil pickup, preferably a Strat.The patch has 3 snapshots, so make sure you cycle through them to get the range of tones in the preset. Jorge 2801 26
Vicky Blues
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is a Pod Go patch that is based off a popular blues patch I have for the Helix. It's great for high-flying electric blues. Jorge 988 15
EVH Pod Go Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This Eddie Van Halen Patch uses his older rig style, the Marshall era. Jorge 1132 11
Guitar and Mic
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is a cool patch for singers/songwriters. 1. Plug your guitar into the regular L/Mono input2. Plug your mic into the L/Mono Aux-in input (on the right hand side of the HX Stomp) - this adapter will allow you to easily hook a standard XLR mic to the HX Stomp or Helix.There you go - adjust the am… Jorge 385 6
Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower Solo
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Killer patch by Chad Garber. Beautiful Hendrix tones using the Hiwatt amp model. Jorge 994 5
Tele Boogie
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) I really like the Mesa Lone Star amps, but I didn't really care for the stock Helix patches featuring the amp. This tone has 3 snapshots, clean, overdriven and dirty. I used my trusty Telecaster to create the patch and Soundcloud sample below.I'm re-discovering the Double Take model on Helix, which… Jorge 913 4
El Hefe - NOFX
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) I tried to capture the tone from the classic Punk in Drublic album.El Hefe is always pictured with his trusty Telecaster, but I read in an interview that he likes to record with a Les Paul, so that's what I used when creating the patch. Also, Hefe is a Mesa Mark amp user, but I thought the Revv amp… Jorge 384 4
Jason Sadites DOOM
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) An amp and cab setup based on the Line 6 Doom as featured in Jason Sadites' Youtube channel. Danemiles 267 2
Satisfaction Fuzz
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) The iconic fuzz tone from Keith Richards is here. Great Rolling Stones tone. Jorge 189 1
Mars Hall Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) JCM 800 Marshall Tone. A little extra crunch available using the OCD pedal. Jorge 624 0

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