Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 111 amplifier models, 276 effects, 56 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

Line 6 Litigator (Line 6 Original)

Released With Helix Version 2.10
Line 6 Litigator, the Helix model of a Line 6 Original

Get the description straight form the source, Ben Adrian:

I'm pleased and surprised by the "Litigator" reception. I have to admit, it's fun to see the response when the amp is behind the virtual curtain. So, if you like the model and don't want to ruin the magic, you should stop reading.

We had talked about modeling a smooth-overdriving, easy to play, mid-gain, high dollar boutique amp for a long time. However, they can be expensive and hard to find. When you do find one, people get nervous that it will be partially disassembled and probed.

The "Litigator" was born out of two scenarios; one, I came from the world of building pedals and doing a lot of tube amp repairs and mods, and two, I was not constrained by making a model that matched a real world amp.

I asked myself, "what would I do if someone brought me an amp and wanted me to mod it into something smooth and boutique-y?" So I took a schematic for an amp that we had modeled and I drew out the mods on paper. Yes, it started from a Fender place like so many of the boutique amps.

I made the "mods" in the digital world, and it wasn't right. It didn't sound bad, but it didn't sound like I imagined that it would sound. I was disappointed in myself. So, I went a little further. I moved the tonestack to a different location later in the circuit. I also messed with tone stack cap values and ranges. Plus, I remembered that I wasn't constrained by the real world. I was able to dig into the low pass and high pass filtering before each of the gain stages. I was able to have the drive knob adjust frequency responses in various places in the circuit. Most importantly, I could fine tune the knees of how the individual tube stages entered clipping. I tuned the power amp to make it distort in an idealized way. Finally, I adjusted the sag so that it reacted in a way that was pleasing to me, not just matching what happened in a physical circuit.

So, the amp is not based on any specific amp. It's a circuit I dreamed up based on a heavily modded Fender and then hammered on and tweaked until we all liked playing it around the office. It wouldn't be impossible to make in the physical world, but it might get a little messy. I removed a lot of the noise and irregularities that people find unpleasant, but I was able to add just enough of the wrong things so they enhance without being a distraction. It's like a vintage amp with movie magic color correction and hyped depth of field.

I usually operate in a very objective world. If you like a physical amp, I hope that you like the model of the amp. If you don't like a certain physical amp, then I would not expect you to enjoy the model. I would say that a normal amp model is 95% objective and 5% subjective. The "Litigator" is pretty much 50/50. To be totally frank, I'm generally not a fan of the type of amp that this model is based on. I can sometimes make blues lawyer or yacht rock jokes in private. It's not that I don't respect the musicality, it's just that it's not my world or my wheelhouse. I was expecting to not really like this amp model when I was finished. However, even I couldn't stop playing it when I was done. I kind of sick-burned myself;) When it was built into test builds here at Line 6, many other people couldn't stop playing it. It's pretty much the highest compliment when I hear these stories.


Description source: Ben Adrian via

Green Day Dookie Tone

This stereo tone replicates Billie Joe's tone on Green Day's Dookie album pretty well. There's a compressor and boost available for a little extra oomph, but they're off by default because they're not really needed to get the album tone. I used a Les Paul to record the Soundcloud demo, you may want to try a Strat or P90 guitar for a little extra high end.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 2589
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 40
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


All Litigator, all the time. 3 snapshots - clean, slightly dirtier with delay, and a higher gain tone. Uses the Allure IR Pack, which is available for free from Line 6, Google it.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 1439
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 12
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

My Dumble

My attempt at recreating a Dumble sound with Helix.  Uses dual cabs for extra grind. Footswitch on Kinky Boost and Stereo Delay (Dual Delay).

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 1126
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 7
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

My Dumble

Dumble tone for Pod Go.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 631
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 5
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


(Reposted with permission from AndrewUtz on A John Mayer Tone, referencing Slow Dancing In A Burning Room. In this patch I used some basic stuff that I know John has used (or the closest thing to it I could find). I know live he has used dumbles along with a fender bandmaster, so for this I used a split path and ran a Litigator and a Twin Reverb at the same time. As far as the cabs go I tried my best to match how I know that continuum was recorded, I typically use red wire IR's but for you guys I used the equivalent Helix cabs. I put a dual cab block of the same cab but one is mic'd with a 57 and the other a beyerdynamic 160 (he really used an M88). Looks like he also used U87 or 67 room mics but alas it wouldn't let me add in another cab block. To compensate for this I used a room reverb at the end of the chain. I also put the Spring reverb before the cabs to simulate the acutal outboard fender reverb tanks john has used in the past. This patch probably needs some tweaking to make it like whatever you like, but I definitely think this is a good starting point for a Mayer like tone.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 534
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 4
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Still Loving You

Still Loving You

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 326
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 4
  • Member: Konex29
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Come on Let's Go

I love all of the Los Lobos Ritchie Valens covers on the La Bamba soundtrack.This patch replicates the rhythm and lead tones on "Come On Let's Go". It can probably fit in nicely with La Bamba and the others too. Use the Minotaur for the lead tone.Use a strat for this patch, I think the bridge + middle pickup position fits the best.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 471
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 3
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Litigate 2020

This is a new version of my Litigator patch which is currently the most downloaded on this site. It has been reworked to not use any IRs, so there's only standard cabs. I also redid the snapshots as clean, dirtier, and distorted. Enjoy! 

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 696
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 3
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Home 1

This is my default preset for my 6 String guitars these days. Litigator handling Clean and mid-gain, and Badonk handling mid gain to high gain. 4 Snaps -- Litigator Clean, Litigator Drive, Badonk Green, and Badonk Red. FS2 activates a faux Organ sound (sounds great with snapshot 2), Stomps sprinkled in for compression, Fuzz, and time-based effects.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 219
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Alex Kenivel
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


Some pod X3 recarnations on Helix.

  • πŸ‘‡ Downloads: 104
  • 🀘 Upvotes: 1
  • Member: Arislaf
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member πŸ‘‡ Downloads 🀘 Upvotes
Green Day Dookie Tone
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This stereo tone replicates Billie Joe's tone on Green Day's Dookie album pretty well. There's a compressor and boost available for a little extra oomph, but they're off by default because they're not really needed to get the album tone. I used a Les Paul to record the Soundcloud demo, you may … Jorge 2589 40
Litigate Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) All Litigator, all the time. 3 snapshots - clean, slightly dirtier with delay, and a higher gain tone. Uses the Allure IR Pack, which is available for free from Line 6, Google it. Jorge 1439 12
My Dumble
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) My attempt at recreating a Dumble sound with Helix.  Uses dual cabs for extra grind. Footswitch on Kinky Boost and Stereo Delay (Dual Delay). Jorge 1126 7
My Dumble Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Dumble tone for Pod Go. Jorge 631 5
JOHNAMAYERTRIX Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) (Reposted with permission from AndrewUtz on A John Mayer Tone, referencing Slow Dancing In A Burning Room. In this patch I used some basic stuff that I know John has used (or the closest thing to it I could find). I know live he has used dumbles along with a fender bandmaster,… Jorge 534 4
Still Loving You Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Still Loving You Konex29 326 4
Come on Let's Go
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) I love all of the Los Lobos Ritchie Valens covers on the La Bamba soundtrack.This patch replicates the rhythm and lead tones on "Come On Let's Go". It can probably fit in nicely with La Bamba and the others too. Use the Minotaur for the lead tone.Use a strat for this patch, I think the bridge + mid… Jorge 471 3
Litigate 2020
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is a new version of my Litigator patch which is currently the most downloaded on this site. It has been reworked to not use any IRs, so there's only standard cabs. I also redid the snapshots as clean, dirtier, and distorted. Enjoy!  Jorge 696 3
Home 1 Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This is my default preset for my 6 String guitars these days. Litigator handling Clean and mid-gain, and Badonk handling mid gain to high gain. 4 Snaps -- Litigator Clean, Litigator Drive, Badonk Green, and Badonk Red. FS2 activates a faux Organ sound (sounds great with snapshot 2), Stomps sprinkle… Alex Kenivel 219 2
Bayou Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Some pod X3 recarnations on Helix. Arislaf 104 1

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