Browse Helix Models and Effects

Helix currently supports 72 amplifier models, 194 effects, 37 speaker cab models, and 16 microphones. On top of all that you also have the ability to load Impulse Responses (IRs) that you can grab from free or paid sources. Go have fun.

Simple Delay (Line 6ยฎ Original)

Simple Delay, the Helix model of a Line 6ยฎ Original

The Simple Delay is really kind of as the name suggests, a basic digital delay. There are stereo and mono versions of this delay available.

The time parameter can be toggled to either be note-based or time based. For example, 800ms vs 1/4 note sync.

The scale parameter is used when in stereo mode. It controls the stereo feedback of the right signal vs the left signal. The left signal is the "master" and can be thought of as the 100% level. The scale is a percentage of that amount. So at a 50% setting, you are getting half of the delay in the right hand side signal. This makes the stereo sound stage sound more alive and "3D" in headphones or stereo speaker setup.

Helix Hour JCM800

A nice sounding 3 snapshot preset, with JCM 800, killer lead with dimed mids 10 band EQ. Rhythm, Dirty and Lead. Lead snapshot cuts like a knife. More presets coming soon. Shamelessly borrowed from to have a few patches available for Pod Go launch.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 2061
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 32
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Ambient Rock

The patch has three presets which are for switching sounds while soloing. The first preset is a light overdrive, the second light overdrive plus echo, and the third light overdrive plus distortion. See the example below for a soloing example. I also added a noise gate to help reduce the noise.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 854
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 6
  • Member: Rabbuhl
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Hx Stomp- Radiohead

Johnny Greenwood's the bends tone. Based off of a od-3 into a fender nrm. Also includes the bleat chop style trem to recreate the tempo synced tremelo featured on Planet Telex. This also will work well for the Airbag tone on your neck pickup. 

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 1056
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 5
  • Member: Derums
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Raging Tom

That classic Tom Morello setup for Pod Go! If you enjoy my free tones check out my premium tones for Helix, HX Stomp, and Pod Go on the Line 6 Marketplace. Shamelessly borrowed from to have a few patches available for Pod Go launch.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 776
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 5
  • Member: Jorge
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


Timbre do solo de David Gilmour em On The Turning Away,  na versรฃo ao vivo do Delicate Sound of Thunder.  Vejam no youtube, gravado com HX e Fender Strato.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 288
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 3
  • Member: Mendeslh
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


Patch para o solo de Brian May em Somebody to Love do Queen.  Gravado com HX e Schecter Damien FR7. Vejam no Youtube.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 349
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 3
  • Member: Mendeslh
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Legacy Llama

Legendary Drive and The Alpaca Rouge into a HiWatt in stereo. Fat, loose OD sounds without getting flubby. Works well with humbuckers. You may have to boost the drive settings if using single coils.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 176
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Rocco Crocco
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY OFF Can your computer handle it???? You might want to increase your buffer size!!A monstrous preset built with Helix Native with Hardware Compatibility turned off. Both paths have a hard gate and poly capo in front, with stereo imagers at the end, and some Simple Delay for a double-tracked feel. Path A has a Tube Screamer driving the Benizen Mega and Badonk amps, with the Field Coil and Blue Bell stock cabs respectively. Path B has the Bighorn Fuzz into the Grammatico with matching cab parallel to the US Princess with its 12" matching cab.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 169
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Alex Kenivel
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Beatles Day Tripper

Built this patch with a little help from my friends. Pretty straightforward. I want to try to achieve a little more of tha ADT - which provides a cool delay/leslie effect. Hope you enjoy, as always, I'm very open to feedback and comments. The video is from my Stems practice sessions.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 507
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Kalimar
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Heavy Metal (Takin' a Ride) by Don Felder

This patch generates the beginning keyboard sound by using three 3-Note Generators, delay, overdrive and chorus as well as the verse delay using a momentary stomp footswitch. There are a couple ways to start the song. Check out the video at the bottom of this page.Here's how I do it.Start the Organ stomp (wait at least 10 seconds for minimum Attack time). You can change the Attack time of each 3-Note Generator for quicker intro.Have the drummer do a four beat count in. On 4, turn off the Organ (the delay will keep it ringing for another beat)Immediately step on the Verse Delay and on 1 of the next bar play the D->E chords and one chug on the open E chord.Release the Verse Delay (it will trail) and keep chugging.Repeat steps 4-5 for each bar.I put a 1-Switch Looper at the end  so you can record the main riff to solo over. If you do use it, I recommend using the Solo Dly for the first D->E so you have time to hit the looper, turn off the Solo Dly (it will trail) then use the Verse Delay for the rest of the rhythm.It uses the same Fulltone OCD and Deluxe Reverb as Felders rig rundown on YouTube. Enjoy.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads: 132
  • ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes: 2
  • Member: Kickinstuff
  • Performance Type:
    Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)

Patch Performance
Description Member ๐Ÿ‘‡ Downloads ๐Ÿค˜ Upvotes
Helix Hour JCM800
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) A nice sounding 3 snapshot preset, with JCM 800, killer lead with dimed mids 10 band EQ. Rhythm, Dirty and Lead. Lead snapshot cuts like a knife. More presets coming soon. Shamelessly borrowed from to have a few patches available for Pod Go launch. Jorge 2061 32
Ambient Rock
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) The patch has three presets which are for switching sounds while soloing. The first preset is a light overdrive, the second light overdrive plus echo, and the third light overdrive plus distortion. See the example below for a soloing example. I also added a noise gate to help reduce the noise. Rabbuhl 854 6
Hx Stomp- Radiohead Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Johnny Greenwood's the bends tone. Based off of a od-3 into a fender nrm. Also includes the bleat chop style trem to recreate the tempo synced tremelo featured on Planet Telex. This also will work well for the Airbag tone on your neck pickup.  Derums 1056 5
Raging Tom Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) That classic Tom Morello setup for Pod Go! If you enjoy my free tones check out my premium tones for Helix, HX Stomp, and Pod Go on the Line 6 Marketplace. Shamelessly borrowed from to have a few patches available for Pod Go launch. Jorge 776 5
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Timbre do solo de David Gilmour em On The Turning Away,  na versรฃo ao vivo do Delicate Sound of Thunder.  Vejam no youtube, gravado com HX e Fender Strato. Mendeslh 288 3
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Patch para o solo de Brian May em Somebody to Love do Queen.  Gravado com HX e Schecter Damien FR7. Vejam no Youtube. Mendeslh 349 3
Legacy Llama Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Legendary Drive and The Alpaca Rouge into a HiWatt in stereo. Fat, loose OD sounds without getting flubby. Works well with humbuckers. You may have to boost the drive settings if using single coils. Rocco Crocco 176 2
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY OFF Can your computer handle it???? You might want to increase your buffer size!!A monstrous preset built with Helix Native with Hardware Compatibility turned off. Both paths have a hard gate and poly capo in front, with stereo imagers at the end, and some Simple Delayโ€ฆ Alex Kenivel 169 2
Beatles Day Tripper
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) Built this patch with a little help from my friends. Pretty straightforward. I want to try to achieve a little more of tha ADT - which provides a cool delay/leslie effect. Hope you enjoy, as always, I'm very open to feedback and comments. The video is from my Stems practice sessions. Kalimar 507 2
Heavy Metal (Takin' a Ride) by Don Felder
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA) This patch generates the beginning keyboard sound by using three 3-Note Generators, delay, overdrive and chorus as well as the verse delay using a momentary stomp footswitch. There are a couple ways to start the song. Check out the video at the bottom of this page.Here's how I do it.Start the Organโ€ฆ Kickinstuff 132 2

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