Black Rusty Bass Tone
Uploaded by jorge on March 16, 2020.
HX Stomp
HX Stomp & HX Stomp XL patches are supported by all Helix devices.
This tone is modeled on the bass guitar chain of Rusty Sanchez, bassist for Black Monday. It's a straight ahead rock and roll bass tone of a SansAmp into an SVT.
Performance Type
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)
This patch has been downloaded 874 times.
This patch has been upvoted by 7 members.
ZeroAmp Bass DI
(Tech 21® SansAmp Bass Driver DI V1)
SV Beast Nrm
(Ampeg® SVT® (normal channel))
LA Studio Comp
(Teletronix® LA-2A®)
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