Led Zeppelin - Stairway To heaven
Uploaded by mendeslh on Dec. 13, 2022.
HX Stomp
HX Stomp & HX Stomp XL patches are supported by all Helix devices.
Patch para o solo de Jimi Page em Stairway To Heaven do Led Zeppelin. Gravado com HX e Fender Strato. Vejam no youtube.
Performance Type
Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)
This patch has been downloaded 620 times.
This patch has been upvoted by 8 members.
Ubiquitous Vibe
(Shin-ei Uni-Vibe®)
(Klon® Centaur)
Brit Plexi Brt
(Marshall® Super Lead 100 (bright channel))
Transistor Tape
(Maestro® Echoplex EP-3)
LA Studio Comp
(Teletronix® LA-2A®)
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