Hey Hey My My

Uploaded by rocco crocco on Sept. 12, 2019.

Helix Floor

Patch is supported by all Helix devices minus HX Stomp.


Heir Apparent into the Bass Octaver into the Fullerton Normal. No IRs needed.

Youtube link is to the original recording. 

Performance Type

Direct (Recording, Headphone, PA)


This patch has been downloaded 192 times.


This patch has been upvoted by 1 member.

Heir Apparent

(Analogman Prince of Tone)

Bass Octaver

(EBS® OctaBass)

Fullerton Nrm

(1958 Fender® 5C3 Tweed Deluxe (normal channel))

LA Studio Comp

(Teletronix® LA-2A®)

Simple Delay

(Line 6® Original)


(Line 6® Original)


jorge - Sept. 28, 2019


I wasn't familiar with this song, thanks for sharing. This is thundering tone!

wanab - Nov. 25, 2019


You nailed it ! Awesome ty

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